- Merchant status that granted by NPC only last for 30 minutes.
- Default limit of active Merchant for a guild is 3 and active Merchant Status is visible in Guild's Member Panel
- "Trade Expansion" Series Technology can be researched under "Management" Tab in Guild Panel to increase the limit of active Merchant
About Trades, Purchases and Sales
- Player need to be on Camel Beast Mount to perform trades with Specialty Shop NPCs
About Mount Skill and Controls
1. Carrot Enticement will enhance the cargo mount movement speed temporary for 30 seconds
2. F8 will dismount player from Camel Beast
3. Cargo Icon: View all cargo
4. Scroll Icon: "Speciality Shop Distribution" Shortcut key, display list of Specialty Shop NPC locations
Cargo Space Limit & Travel Speed
- Default Camel Beast only offer 18 slots for cargo. Better cargo mount could be purchase with Guild Fealty from Tavern Shop NPC who stationed at Upgraded Tavern (Level 3)
- Mid-Size Cart (30days | 24 slots | +30% Speed) : 200 Fealty
- Huge Cart (30days | 30 slots | +30% Speed) : 400 Fealty
- Over-produce: Price lower than usual, can be sold at high profit margin
- Under-produce: Price higher than usual, risky purchase, only can be profitable selling to NPC that have excessively high demand, not recommended
- No label: Standard pricing, can be sold at thin profit margin
About dismount F8 key
- If there is any cargo carried by Camel Beast during a player choose to dismount, all the cargo will be dropped on floor in the form of Specialty Pack
- Specialty Pack will have 5 minutes protected time, after that any player can pick up the pack as long as they are mounted.
- Player can dismount after all goods are sold and trade token requirement is met.
About excess profit and personal Imperial Note reward
- If the final accumulated trade token is more than 18,000, all of the them will be channeled back to Guild Fund and Imperial Note reward will be computed based on that value as well.
For instance, the quest completed with 40,000 / 18,000, the guild will receive 35,000
Personal Imperial Note Reward:
( 40,000 - 5000 ) x 10% = 3,500